Selasa, 30 November 2010

I Like this :D

he is a man who has taken my heart and refused to return it

sometimes circumstances force us to recall the past (stat)

Don't stand up in the place that I can see you
(He is beautiful)

Appreciate all people who have loved you !
Coz if one day they feel tired. That's when you would miss them

the biggest lie in this life is to be nice to people we hate

It's true in this case you are the winner !
But one thing that you should know
In fact, you have suffered a great loss

If we get someone because our goodness to him, it doesnt mean love.. Thats a pitch
(my own)

Don't ever say enough. Because it means you don't want to get more (G.O)

Minggu, 21 November 2010

catatan akhir sekolah :')

dak terasooo ye denget lagi kito nak tamat ..

bener nian uji wong" tu masomaso paleng indah tu maso" sma :D

ado saat" CINLOK
patah hati
mosem tembak
dll ..

mun cinlok banyaaaaaak diskolah tu
singgonyo dibali kagek tempat wong becinto galo contonyo : (INTAN & DELLY) :p
tika dengan Febri
aku dgn htsan aku DM :D
waktu DR jadian dk ngenjok tau lg -,-
DYKA jd rebotan :D
dak muat maut mun nak disebotke sikok" :D

sedenyo oooo jingok FEBRI waktu potosan dgn TIKA (sangkeng cintonyo :P)
makan idak skola cak galak cak idak

AGUNG dipotosi :D

INTAN dgn MUQLES yg bebala tula tiap ari cak koceng dgn anjeng :D
tp ttep smsm cinto :)

waktu RIANA potosan dgn KAK WISNU

waktu DO potosan dgn MADOR


kagek kalo la tamat cmn e???
dak biso lagi kito ngeroto'i guru
online jam pelajaran
telambat d.soro balek
(aku d.panggel uong tuo gara" sreng telat -,-)
buat pr diskola

terimakasii jugaaa buaatt :
Ayu Rakmawati alias kekasih pak jol :D (yg galak nyontek'i aku kalo ulangan)
sodara" DeCoQuettish : (yg slalu ado saat aku seneng ato susah)
Budak" XII IPA 2
Budak" XI IPA 2
Budak Ten.Ten

cuma semak ini dulu aku buat cz aku ne buat catetan ini diwarnet
la dari jam 8 tadi aku disini
bengkaaaaaaaaak jok bayarnyo :D